
About MY FIRST Trick

MY FIRST Trick is an xISO certified India's leading e-learning platform that provides Skill Development Courses related to Entrepreneurship, Career & Business Development. MYFIRSTTrick is established with the novel vision of in which we help people to learning about digital world & financial freedom for everyone & Providing Indian youth a better future in terms of financial freedom ,we have clear organized of this goal from its very Inception our aim is to provide a means of good quality of life for Thousand of willing Associates through our plan.
Today MY FIRST Trick has believed that we can achieve success by utilizing own knowledge. MY FIRST Trick is an Opportunity for every Indian for financial freedom.

Our Mission

MY FIRST Trick mission is to creating more than 5 lakh Online Digital Entrepreneurs in India at the end of 2030 & transform the lives of every individual by empowering them with quality knowledge, skills and strategies to get the best of the best results in digital field and become financially independent.

The My First Trick Management

Ravindra jagtap

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